The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), GRI’s independent standard-setting body, is pleased to announce that the exposure draft of the Sector Standard: Oil and Gas, is now open for public comment until 6 October 2020.
As the first draft Sector Standard to be released for public exposure, this is a unique opportunity for sustainability professionals and oil and gas specialists to provide input on the value, clarity, and feasibility of the proposed concept for the Sector Standards. In addition, GSSB is seeking public feedback on the completeness and relevance of the oil and gas content, based on the sector’s most significant impacts.
The Sector Program is developing standards that are specific to certain sectors, which identify and describe their most meaningful impacts from a sustainable development perspective. Sector Standards are intended to focus sustainability reporting on what matters most, as well as reflect stakeholder expectations for a sector’s sustainability reporting. The oil and gas sector has been prioritized because of the widely documented impacts of the sector across economic, environmental, and social dimensions, including climate change, biodiversity, and human rights.
How to Participate
To learn more and be part of the global debate on this forthcoming standard, interested participants should follow the guide below:
- Review the exposure draft and find other resources via this link: project page
- Provide your feedback through this online questionnaire
More learning and discussions continue via the following live webinars:
- 23 July 2020 by 10am CEST. Join here:
- 23 July 2020 by 4pm CEST. Join here:
- 20 August 2020 by 10am CEST. Join here:
- 20 August 2020 by 10am CEST. Join here:
Should have questions on the about the public comment period or the exposure draft, send email to:
The release of an exposure draft is part of GRI’s due process in developing a standard. Exposure drafts are to be published on the GSSB website where they can be accessed free of charge by the general public. Each exposure draft is to be accompanied by an explanatory memorandum that highlights the objective(s) of and the significant proposals contained within the draft Standard, as well as the GSSB’s view on the main issues addressed in the development thereof. Exposure drafts are to be published on the GSSB website where they can be accessed free of charge by the general public. Each exposure draft is to be accompanied by an explanatory memorandum that highlights the objective(s) of and the significant proposals contained within the draft Standard, as well as the GSSB’s view on the main issues addressed in the development thereof. The exposure period will ordinarily be no shorter than 60 days – and for as long as deemed appropriate by the GSSB. Comments made by respondents to an exposure draft are a matter of public record and are to be published on the GSSB website after the end of the exposure period.
About GSSB
The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) has sole responsibility for setting the first globally accepted standards for sustainability reporting – the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. Established as an independent operating entity under the auspices of GRI, the GSSB is made up of 15 members representing a range of expertise and multi-stakeholder perspectives on sustainability reporting. The GSSB operates under the GSSB Terms of Reference to oversee the development of the GRI Standards according to a formally defined due process. The GSSB works exclusively in the public interest and according to the vision and mission of GRI. With the exception of some administrative discussions, which can be held privately at the GSSB’s discretion, all GSSB meetings are open to the public and available online.

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