In its 6th edition, the Novartis in society 2018 report re-affirms the company’s purpose: to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives. Using science and technology in an effort to create transformative treatments that can change the practice of medicine, and then strive to get them to the people who need them has been the hallmark of Novartis In society. The 2018 report discusses in detail, Novartis’ Global Health & Corporate Responsibility (GH&CR) activities which hinge on:

  • Upholding the highest ethical standards
  • Being part of the solution on pricing and access to health
  • Addressing global health challenges
  • Being a responsible citizen.

The report communicates clearly and transparently measurable and reportable actions taken in these key areas. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option; the report also features an independent assurance report by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Novartis is by this report fulfilling her commitment to produce a UNGC Communication on Progress – a public disclosure outlining her progress in implementing the 10 principles of the UNGC.


  • Ranked No. 2 in the 2018 Access to Medicine Index
  • 24m patients reached through access to health programs
  • 17m people reached through training, health education and service delivery programs
  • USD 100m committed over the next five years to advance R&D of new anti-malarial drugs
  • 900m treatment courses of Coartem delivered without profit
  • 2m patients reached with free multidrug therapy for leprosy to-date
  • 2 RANKING in the 2018 Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index, up from sixth in 2017
  • Over 140 successful enforcement cases initiated or supported to combat drug counterfeiting
  • 6 annual training hours per employee.
  • Rolled out a new principles-based Professional Practices Policy to guide our interactions with stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, patients and patient groups
  • Experienced a 54% reduction in the number of reported complaints of fraud and professional practices in the sales force in 2018
  • Launched a newly harmonized Risk Assessment and Monitoring Process
  • Strengthened the Integrity & Compliance function and conducted 220 country visits
  • Elevated the role of Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer to the Executive Committee of Novartis


On the progress made so far, the CEO, Vas Narasimhan has this to say, “This is the start of a journey; we’ve also made important progress in helping address key global health challenges; we aim to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, take bold steps to increase access to medicines, tackle complex global health challenges, and do our part as a responsible corporate citizen”.

Download the full report here:



Novartis International AG is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland. Novartis is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies by both market capitalization and sales.

Founded in 1996 with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis employs over 129,000 staff cutting

Across 147 nationalities.

Novartis CSR activities are driven by the Novartis foundation which is a philanthropic organization working with multi-sector partners on innovative initiatives that can have a transformational and sustainable impact on health in low-income communities.

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