Frontline social entrepreneur, Envirofit International, is pioneering eco –efficient and pocket-friendly cooking solutions in Africa. Reports show that 90% of all deforestation in Africa is used for energy consumption. Quest for bio fuel in Africa has led to massive deforestation in the region. African households travel long distances to fetch firewood to cook their meal. The mass of firewood consumed to cook a pot of meal raises more concern on the environmental impact of the traditional cooking technology, even as 90%of the fuel’s energy is wasted when using an open fire. It is also estimated 1 billion tons of CO2 are produced by cooking fires each year.
Health-wise, the traditional bio-fuel- intense cooking method poses great health challenges: health experts warn that cooking over an open fire is equivalent to being exposed to 400 Cigarettes an hour. Women and children primarily bear the burden of cooking and collecting firewood thus exposing them to violence and risking their lives daily. These women and children can spend as much as 6 hours per day ccollecting wood for cooking. Pocket-wise, an average African household spends about 30% of annual income on cooking fuel.
Envirofit International, is working to save African forests, income, health and the ozone layer through her eco – efficient, environmentally-friendly and low-cost cooking solutions. Envirofit International is a social enterprise that innovates smart energy products and services that improve lives on a global scale. Using a market-based approach, Envirofit develops a global product line of smart clean cooking technologies that cook faster while reducing fuel use, smoke, and toxic emissions. Envirofit’s smart stoves reduce climate change, create new jobs, and enable families to save money. Envirofit’s cooking solutions reduce smoke and toxic emissions by up to 80% and save 50% of cooking time.
Envirofit is through her impact investing strategies, working to promote the SDGs by creating more social impact beyond the kitchen.
Envirofit’s smart cooking products range from wood cooking stoves to gas cooking stoves. Follow this link to view Envirofit range of smart kitchen products: or learn more about the company here:
Look out for an Envirofit smart kitchen product in your neighbourhood; save the environment, save your income, enjoy good life.
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